All papers adhere to the highest writing standards
We provide a free plagiarism report with every order
Many of our orders are completed before the deadline
We use advanced security technology to protect your data
We never disclose your personal information
Over the years, we have identified five principles to be crucial in guaranteeing our customers' satisfaction. They are the cornerstones of our business, and they drive all of our processes and activities.
We look for the most competent writers whose work can help us deliver on our quality and originality promises. We only hire applicants with advanced university degrees, excellent academic records, and proven research skills.
We rely on a variety of tools and mechanisms to ensure your safety and anonymity. We turn to trusted internet security resources, and we limit the use of your personal information within the company. Not even your writer knows your name or email!
Finally, we have developed a set of efficient communication practices that help us prevent any possible delays to your order. That's how we achieve remarkable punctuality.
Learn more3 Hours Essay has a team of professional essay writers. Our essay writers have the expertise and experience in writing top grade essays for high school and college students.
Next time you are thinking, “can I hire someone to do my essay”, know that you have highly qualified professional essay writers to rely on here at 3 Hours Essay.
At the most reasonable rates, we will assign a dedicated essay writer to do your college essay for you. Our writers incorporate all the required research and follow your provided instructions to a tee.
We make it a point to guarantee only the highest quality writing, and include only the most well-written and informative content in your essays. This is why we only hire native English speaking UK and US writers who are masters of the language and can ensure perfect grammar, language style and vocabulary in your essay.
We can do your essay using any citation style you require. We get requests for all types of essays at 3 Hours Essay, with students asking:
In fact, we can write your essay in any citation style, including but not limited to: Harvard, Chicago, MLA, APA, Oxford, Turabian.
Absolutely. We have a 0% plagiarism rule at 3 Hours Essay. We only deliver essays which are 100% non-plagiarised and only include authentic, original content written from scratch.
To provide evidence of our 100% non-plagiarized papers, we also deliver all our students a plagiarism report which shows that the paper is completely plagiarism-free. We take plagiarism issues very seriously.
In need of urgent help? We have refined our operations so well that we can complete your order in just 3 hours.
Getting your paper is as easy as it gets-take 5 minutes to fill out our simple order form and your order will be in your inbox by the deadline.
All of our returning customers can take advantage of seasonal and personalized discounts and offers - some of them go as high as 30%!
We offer round-the-clock support so that we can always address any questions and concerns you may have about your order.
Before your paper gets to you, it goes through several rounds of checks-first by our editors and then by our inhouse plagiarism detection software.
Above all else, we want you to be happy with your order, so you can request unlimited free revisions within 2 weeks of its delivery.
This list of assignments is far from exhaustive: our writers have also previously completed business plans, executive summaries, assessments, articles, annotated bibliographies, and many other types of assignments. Have an unusual or non-standard order request? Don't worry-we don't shy away from challenges. Send your instructions our way, and we will find a writer qualified to work on it. The best thing about our services? We provide 24/7 essay help, meaning you can sleep peacefully as our writers work on your most challenging orders.